Class axlFieldParametricCurveTangentVector defines an API for field which owns a BSpline Surface as a function and a parametric surface on which the field is applied
Class axlFieldParametricNormalVector defines an API for field which owns a BSpline Surface as a function and a parametric surface on which the field is applied
Class axlFieldParametricSurface defines an API for field which owns a BSpline Surface as a function and a parametric surface on which the field is applied
Class axlFieldParametricSurfaceTangentVector defines an API for field which owns a BSpline Surface as a function and a parametric surface on which the field is applied
Class axlFieldParametricVolumeTangentVector defines an API for field which owns a BSpline Surface as a function and a parametric surface on which the field is applied
Class axlFieldSpatialCoordinates defines an API for spatial field. The value are computed as follow : this->scalar(x,y,z) returns a*x+b*y+c*z value with (a,b,c) the direction chosen. By default this direction is equal to (0,0,1)