This is the complete list of members for axlShape, including all inherited members.
addField(axlAbstractField *field) | axlAbstractData | |
axlAbstractData(axlAbstractData *parent=NULL) | axlAbstractData | |
axlAbstractData(const axlAbstractData &data) | axlAbstractData | |
axlShape(int vertexCount, int edgeCount, int faceCount, axlShape *parent=0) | axlShape | |
changeFieldName(QString fieldName) | axlAbstractData | |
color | axlAbstractData | |
color(void) const | axlAbstractData | |
convertDataToQVariant(void) const | axlShape | virtual |
convertQVariantToData(const QVariantList &data) | axlShape | virtual |
description(void) const | axlShape | virtual |
editable(void) | axlAbstractData | |
fields(void) | axlAbstractData | |
getEdgeCount(void) const | axlShape | |
getEdges(void) const | axlShape | |
getFaceCount(void) const | axlShape | |
getFaces(void) const | axlShape | |
getVertexCount(void) const | axlShape | |
getVertices(void) const | axlShape | |
identifier(void) const | axlShape | virtual |
insert_edge(Edge *edge, int index) | axlShape | |
insert_edge(axlAbstractCurveParametric *crv, int si, int ei, int index) | axlShape | |
insert_face(Face *face, int index) | axlShape | |
insert_face(axlAbstractSurfaceParametric *surf, int *l, int *orient, int *loopsSize, int sizel, int nbLoops, int index) | axlShape | |
insert_face(axlAbstractSurfaceParametric *surf, int *l, int *orient, int sizel, int sizeOrient, int index) | axlShape | |
insert_face_with_no_sort(axlAbstractSurfaceParametric *surf, int *l, int *orient, int sizel, int sizeOrient, int index) | axlShape | |
insert_face_with_no_sort(axlAbstractSurfaceParametric *surf, int *l, int *orient, int *loopsSize, int sizel, int nbLoops, int index) | axlShape | |
insert_vertex(axlPoint *vertex, int index) | axlShape | |
mesh(void) | axlAbstractData | |
modifiedField(void) | axlAbstractData | signal |
modifiedGeometry(void) | axlAbstractData | signal |
modifiedProperty(void) | axlAbstractData | signal |
modifiedStructure(void) | axlAbstractData | signal |
opacity | axlAbstractData | |
opacity(void) const | axlAbstractData | |
setColor(double r, double g, double b) | axlAbstractData | |
setColor(const QColor &color) | axlAbstractData | slot |
setEditable(bool edit) | axlAbstractData | slot |
setMesh(axlMesh *mesh) | axlAbstractData | |
setOpacity(const double &opacity) | axlAbstractData | slot |
setShader(const QString &shader) | axlAbstractData | slot |
setSize(const double &size) | axlAbstractData | slot |
setUpdateView(bool updateView) | axlAbstractData | |
shader | axlAbstractData | |
shader(void) const | axlAbstractData | |
size | axlAbstractData | |
size(void) const | axlAbstractData | |
sortEdges(Loop *loop) | axlShape | |
sortLoops(Face *face) | axlShape | |
touchField(void) | axlAbstractData | virtualslot |
touchGeometry(void) | axlAbstractData | slot |
touchProperty(void) | axlAbstractData | slot |
touchStructure(void) | axlAbstractData | slot |
updateFieldList(QString nameField) | axlAbstractData | |
updateView(void) | axlAbstractData | |
~axlAbstractData(void) | axlAbstractData | virtual |
~axlShape(void) | axlShape | virtual |